About Zeggedis
Zeggedis combines the world of communication with improvisational theater. Both topics are the expertise of founder Charlotte. She started Zeggedis in 2014, to show the corporate world that experience based learning, or rather, learning by playing, is a rich addition to classical trainings. To bring participants to new insights through games and exercises from theater, is different, more fun, and because of it’s accessible nature, never a bridge too far.
All we do, leans on the basics of improvisational theater
Teambuilding— Having fun together, finding the connection, using your creative mind
Communication workshops — Learning by doing
Hosting— Our presentation style is highly interactive and addresses what happens in the moment
Meet the team
Charlotte De Metsenaere
"To inspire and to laugh. That’s all I need in life.”
Founder of Zeggedis
15 years of experience in improvisational theatre
Master in Corporate Communication
Coach in public speaking and communication techniques
Simulation actrice
Marith Venderbosch
“I’m sure I put this here somewhere”
Teambuilding facilitator
15 years of experience in improvisational theatre
Simulation actrice
Theater teacher
Procesmanager for corporate events
Inge De Waele
“Echt woar”
(very Dutch, Antwerps even)
Communication trainer
Simulation Actrice
Clinical psychologist
Script writer
Adrien Hoppe
“Making theatre is easy. Even actors can do it.”
French speaking teambuilding coach
Professional actor
Teacher and performer of improvisational theatre
Johan Minnebo
“Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap…”
Creative mastermind
By day : teacher communication management
By night : photoshop & illustrator genius, writing code for software programs, kicks ass at building websites
Workshops, teambuilding and hosting
  Appedis: +32 493 187 163
  Mailedis: charlotte@zeggedis.be
  LinkedIs: linkedin.com/zeggedis
   Likedis: facebook.com/zeggedis